Weekends are made for shopping! Why? Well why not?
Skinny sugar free caramel latte from Costa Coffee and then a couple of high street stores – after a whole week of work we all deserve little treat. Don’t we?
I didn’t buy much because I don’t really need anything but when I saw those white espadrille style pumps I couldn’t leave New Look without them. Not only they are extremely comfortable but they had them in my size! Normally my size is out of stock. I am size 6 and it always feels like everyone else is too!
They cost me £7.99 and they are perfect.
But that’s not all that I found in New Look. I was very surprised when on the way out from the store I spotted some high waisted black jeans. Normally high waisted jeans are not only expensive but simply impossible to find in sizes bigger than 8/10. I was very lucky because I found a pair for £22.99 and again my size! Yes it was the last pair in a size bigger than 8 and 10 so I couldn’t just leave without them. They are perfect with a bit of stretch, two back pockets and amazing support for those wobbly bits I am always more than happy to hide. I am not too keen on the buttons they have but this will be hidden under tops so I can live with that. Apart from that minor dislike they are great and very much mine.
With New Look shopping done and dusted I left to visit H&M. When I saw this gorgeous rose gold bracelet I could not just walk past it. I have been looking for something to wear with my Michael Kors rose gold watch (MK – 5223) for a while now and this bracelet will be just perfect. It cost me £4.99 and I am sure that I will wear it a lot. Now all I need is a rose gold pendant which I have been looking for for months now without any luck. Oh well I cannot have everything I want after all.
With love A.